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Dr. Katie Dainty is a qualitative social scientist and Research Chair in Patient-Centered Outcomes at North York General Hospital.

Dr. Luc de Montigny is a research advisor at Urgences-santé, one of Canada's largest emergency medical systems, where he coleads the research program, manages collaborative studies, and develops internal capacity and projects

Jason Buick is a PhD candidate in clinical epidemiology at the University of Toronto, and a flight paramedic with Ornge, Ontario's air ambulance provider.

Jim Christenson is an emergency physician in Vancouver recently retired from active emergency care.

Dr. Walter Tavares is a Scientist and Assistant Professor in Health Professions and Practice in the Department of Health and Society, at the Wilson Centre for Health Professions Education Research and the Department of Medicine.

Sébastien Légaré began his career as an ambulance technician in 1991, in the Montérégie region. Since then, he has been passionate about scientific literature and has greatly participated in the development of Quebec's pre-hospital emergency services.

My name is Johanne Joseph, I am currently an emergency medical dispatcher at Urgences-santé (EMD) and have been working there since 2006.I also worked in a short-term contract with the research department of Urgences-santé as a research assistant in 2021.

William Masse is a paramedic since 2016 at Urgences-Santé (Montreal) and certified as an advanced care paramedic since 2021. He has recently completed additional training in management in order to contribute to the pre-hospital system.

Ian Blanchard has worked in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems in Canada and the United  Kingdom for the last twenty five years in various capacities, including as an Advanced Care Paramedic,  quality assurance strategist, and researcher.

Luc de Montigny is a research advisor at Urgences-santé, where he coleads the research program, manages collaborative studies, and develops internal capacity and projects.

Ian Blanchard has worked in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems in Canada and the United  Kingdom for the last twenty five years in various capacities, including as an Advanced Care Paramedic,  quality assurance strategist, and researcher.

Ian is a Paramedic Scientist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation at the University of Toronto.

An accomplished physician and politician, Dr. Ronald D. Stewart's career has focused on health system excellence.

Jennifer is an Advanced Care Paramedic working ground ambulance in Nova Scotia and as the Knowledge translation Scientist for the Dalhousie University Division of EMS

Thérésa Choisi is co-coordinator of the Research Program at Urgences-santé, one of the largest emergency medical services in Canada.

Tim started his career in the ADF where he served as a medic for six years before transitioning to the Queensland Ambulance Service.

"Sébastien Légaré has been a practising paramedic and instructor since 1991.


Compléter des mandats d'expertise-conseil dans les domaines préhospitalier, de la traumatologie et de l'organisation des services

Manager Professional Development and Quality Assurance
Peer Fitness Trainer

Janel is an Advanced Care Paramedic and the Manager of Clinical Services with Emergency Health Service (EHS) Nova Scotia.

Marc currently works as an Advanced Care Paramedic providing ground ambulance emergency response in the Calgary zone for Alberta Health Services EMS.

Malcolm King, PhD, FCAHS, FRSC is a member of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and a health researcher at the University of Saskatchewan.

Buck Reed is Lecturer in Paramedicine at Western Sydney University; Buck is a Registered Paramedic in Australia and practices clinically in both emergency ambulance and industrial settings.

Todd Reid has 23 years of experience working in Health Care, including the last 20 years with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS).

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